July 27th ♡

Juli • Sad lil bean

Yesterday ( July 26th) at 9am I went into the hospital for an outpatient induction, I'm a FTM so the chances it would send send me into labor were about 50/50. It mainly helps soften your cervix. Everything went good with my first dosage of Sidotech, was getting cramps and tightening in my stomach, I was 30% and 0cm dilated when I left the hospital after the first round. I was getting constant stomach tightens and a little pelvic discomfort, but around 8pm it all but faded so I went back for my second round, before they gave me the second round they checked me and I was 60% and 1 1/2 dilated. Got the 2 round and was monitored for an hour and sent home around 12am , Me and my husband got In n out and arrived home at 12:45 and got ready for bed, at 1am my water broke when I went to pee 😂 arrived at the hospital at 1:30am and was 3cm (I'm GB+ so since my water broke I was able to stay) I was having horrible back labor and by 2am I was 4cm and was able to get an epidural, but it didnt show up till 3am, Got my epidural which was GOD SENT, and she checked me again and I was 10cm 🥴🥴 she called my midwife who came in at around 5am, got my bladder drained and was able to start pushing at 5:30am

My lil one was born at 5:39am after about 9 pushes ♡