Delivery took 3 minutes. 👏🏻

🍁 𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗲.

Went in for an induction on Friday evening and started the medication to soften my cervix about an hour later. Coming in, I was only 1cm dilated and 50% effaced. After three doses, contractions had began to settle in — but nothing I couldn’t sleep through. I was asked multiple times by the nurse if I wanted something for the pain, because she could see from the monitor that I’d been contracting all night. I said no, but that I’d love to keep active by taking at least three laps around the ward. Tough but, nothing impossible. They checked me once more and I was 3cm and 80% effaced. Went back to bed at around 4am and began feeling heavier contractions. They gave me something for the pain and the nausea I’ve been enduring due to suffering from HG this entire pregnancy. Went back to bed and woke up with searing back pain — contractions! Didn’t even need the pictocin! Was immediately given an epidural and was placed in bed with this peanut shaped pregnancy ball. After 45 minutes of terrible back pain, I felt something within my vagina — wanting to come out! The nurse checked me, put only the tip of her finger in and my baby’s head was right there for the taking! I waited an hour for my OB to get on and get changed and gave birth. The delivery process took me 3 minutes, 3 pushes with 1 and a half contractions endured. 🤗 Luna Jade was born at 5lbs, 10oz and 17ins long. I’m glad I induced when I did, as her cord had a literal KNOT in it, which explained why she continued to measure small even at nearly 39 weeks. ( I was due 8/4 ) Trust your instinct, mamas!

Labor : 18hrs.

Delivery : 3 mins.

I’m now the ‘talk’ of the ward as no one had ever heard of someone having their first baby in under 5 minutes, lmao. Baby girl is healthy, I’m okay — tore a little but nothing I can’t handle.

We get to go home Monday afternoon. :’)

Good luck to the rest of you mama’s out there! You can do it. 💪🏻