long distance communication help

me and my bf are long distance and lately he hasn’t been talking to me as much. I promise you i’m not clingy, I understand we both have separate lives and he’s a separate person with a job, but even when I know he has down time he doesn’t say much to me at all if anything. he wakes up, snapchats me a picture of something (not even his face, no caption) and continues to do that throughout the day. I told him “hope work is going good for you❤️” while he was working and he eventually replied “it did” with a picture of his video games.

today I snapped him “are you okay? you seem like you’re acting different” and he said “yep i’m fine”. what do i even say to that? I make time to talk to him at least once a day and I feel as though he isn’t doing the same and it hurts me.