I don't know how to leave...

Okay so...first time posting here but I have to know if you're thinking what I'm thinking:

Been dating this guy for sometime, we have a very tumultuous relationship. More bad days than good. Yet, we have faced a ton of grief in the relationship. I will say that. Lost a kid, I lost my sister, he lost his brother, and I was exiting another relationship when we began ours. Took it slow in the beginning, but here we are, at almost year 2, and I don't feel like he, "likes," me. I feel like he just wants to exert control (he's been unemployed for 9 months). First of all, he is always making comments about my weight and things I like to do, (I'm about a 16)he told me to give up singing because I'm 31. Also, when he drinks, he is one of the most disrespectful people I have ever met in my life, he tries to control how long I go places (even my family's homes)...but says, "oh, why don't u hang out with your friends and family more... I'm like, really nigga?😑" When I stay in the house all the time he says stuff like that and more...tells me I'm boring..which makes my skin scrawl. He doesn't understand that I'm trying to avoid conflict...but it doesn't work. Then, he STALKS my Facebook page. He barely understands FB bc he accused me of knowing one of the men at my best friends wedding because one of the men liked the picture of her and I that I tagged her in. He said, the man liked it bc he knew me. Also, he thinks I want the custodian at my job and swears I have to have something going on with my principal bc I'm involved in certain committees. He gets drunk and if he wants some, he bust in the room, after ive locked it, and demands that I give him my body, he is sorry until after he realizes I'm not into it and he says fuck it and starts calling me all sorts of names and wakes up the next day with an attitude (giving me the silent treatment) until he sobers up and then says, "We good, come here. U crazy...I got to stop dealing with these crazy women. Flips the blame back to me. Everytime. I think it is wonderful that most people have friends and family to turn to. Both of my parents and my sisters are deceased and my brother, who is local, just uses people. I have a best friend who checks on me often but I'm ashamed. I let this man move into my home and now, I cannot get rid of him. I'm miserable...last night, and yesterday, we had a great time and then last night, he acted like he didn't even want to kiss me during sex. I feel unwanted and used by him. I could be wrong, but this man is just here until he gets on his feet but I want him gone bc he just gets worse and worse.