Baby Milo - 11lb C section


We welcomed our little boy Milo on 7/23 via scheduled C section. Definitely not how I thought things would go but there really is no such thing as a true birth plan. At 41 weeks and 3 days, our midwife ordered an ultrasound because I was measuring pretty big and I was barely dilated, the ultrasound tech guessed he was a 12 lb baby. I did not have gestational diabetes or any other issues with pregnancy so that was the first indication we had to his size. We were told to check in to the hospital to discuss options of either inducing and attempting labor with various risks based on his size that made it more likely to have an emergency C section in the end or opt to just have a C section birth. After some long discussions, we opted for the surgery and had a healthy 11lb 10oz baby boy the following morning. Again while not how I thought the birth would go I have no regrets and couldn't be happier to have this not so little guy in my life.