Any military spouses here plz help!

Adreana • Army Wife🇺🇸 Mom to an 👼🏼 baby and 🌈 💗Emmilia3 BeatPCOS!🤰🏽💙EDD12/04/19

My hubby, our 3 year old daughter and I will b moving to fort hood texas the end of August and I am currently expecting our second baby due at the beginning of December. My question is what would u mommas due with ur other child when u went into labor?? We will have no family or trusted friends by then that we would trust for a couples days to watch her while I deliver and idk what to do. I’m really nervous and stressed about it. Hubby keeps saying we will figure it out but I just can’t see trusting someone to watch her over night possibly in that short of time.