Birth story


Saturday the 27th I was super excited my parents were finally visiting me. They had come to pick up my daughter since I was due any day. I was a high risk pregnancy, well I felt like I was leaking. After going to the hospital multiple times and getting checked only to be told it was excess cervical mucus. I didn’t pay attention to the leaking, I had contractions all night Sunday nothing consistent but in my dream my water broke. Still felt like I was leaking but I wasn’t going to go to the doctor to be told it was cervical mucus. Monday I had a ultrasound appointment, the sonograph tech asked if I felt like I was leaking because my fluid levels were low. My doctor was out of town so I was sent home and told to try to get seen (today) Tuesday. I was worried because my baby wasn’t moving so I was going to head to the next town over to see a doctor there. I went to the restroom and I realized I was bleeding (I thought I was still leaking) so I came to the labor and delivery in my town to see if the on call doctor could do anything. The on call doctor tried to pop my sac only to realize it was completely empty. My son was showing signs of stress with each contraction. They decided to go ahead with a csection. I had my son July 29 at 5:27pm, my daughter I had the easiest pregnancy and with him it felt like everything that could go wrong did. But he’s here he’s healthy and that’s all that matters ❤️