C section birth story

So my waters broke yesterday around 10pm. I rang the delivery suite and was advised to come so they can double check ut was defo my waters.

When i arrived, they'd confirmed it was the waters. I was getting sooooo excited as i was so close to meeting my baby boy.

They noticef more than normal blood coming from my waters and wanted to do an internal examination to make sure babba was ok.

Whilst carrying out the assessmemt, the discovered that the baby was breach and his foot was in my vagina lol. It was only last week that the baby was fully engaged and head was down below.

They told me that they'll need to carry out a c section but not until the next morning. Doctor then appeared and said that she wanted me to have it the same night as there was more usual bleeding when my waters broke.

I was ok with having the c section...they prepared the theatre in 10 mins and within another 30 mins, my beautiful boy was born. I didnt feel a thing just a little pressure. The nurses were amazing and reassured me throughout.

My little boy arrived at 01:30 and he's just perfect. Almost 24 hours later amd with pain killers, im already recovering really well. C section was nothing like some of the horror stories I've heard. I know recovery will still be a while but im happy that all went well.

Good luck to all mammas. Don't be nervous of a c section. May all go well for you xx