My bad decision making today is on point

So I had a drs appointment today my dr asked if I wanted to get checked I said no. I probably should have said yes but my husband offered me pizza and i wanted pizza more then a check so i didn't get checked even though i was in the hospital literally 2 days ago and was 1 cm and 50% I honestly just didn't want to run the risk of getting admitted because then I would be getting an iv not pizza. Got home ate 1 piece of pizza and fell asleep. Woke up to back pain and cramps.... first thought huh I want more pizza.... as I said my decision making is on point today. Fast forward I then with the back pain decided huh let's have sex because today seems like a nice day to go to the hospital to have a baby. My back pain got worse then I fell asleep Agian woke up huh my lady part hurts time to take a bath. After my bath I decided that ok If I am in labor I am going to wait till my water breaks to go to labor and Delivery since I didn't get checked because I am an idiot.