I need some support..

I’m just going to get right to it. I have like zero friends and I hugely rely on my amazing boyfriend, which isn’t good because he can’t always be there. As much as he wants to be. Me and him are around 3 months in to our relationship. But I’ve always been depressed. It’s almost like when I turned 14 a switch clicked and I just couldn’t get happy anymore. After that switch a lot happened. My grandpas on both sides of my family died. I figured out before my parents got divorced my dad cheated on my mom. Then recently he got married to my best friends mom. I’ve realized I’m bisexual and I live in a homophobic family.Recently I got out of an through an awful situation with the boyfriend I had (before this one) for about two years. He emotionally abused me and forced me to have sex with him. I’ve been messed up ever since. I can’t stop feeling worthless. My new boyfriend tries to help. He wants so bad for me to be happy. How do I get out of this hole I dug myself into? I literally feel like if I disappeared it would benefit everyone else.

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As someone who’s been (and still is) struggling with severe chronic depression and anxiety for years, I can tell you it’s a loooongg journey. I see a therapist monthly, I’m trying to find a medicine that works, I’m also going to be trying a new treatment for mental illnesses that uses electromagnetic waves. Besides all of that, I just keep trying my best to make it by another day. I feel like it’ll be worth it to see the day I don’t wake up wanting to die.


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First. U didn’t dig urself into a hole. Life has thrown lots of stuff at you and it seems like your feeling like you can’t get out. I suggest therapy. U need someone who you can freely talk to in a safe space frequently where there is no judgement. I dont know if this would be possible but maybe even take along your boyfriend to some sessions. Go to your doctor and they will probably have you take a test to officially diagnose you. If you get properly diagnosed then u can use some sort of other treatment to help. Keep the idea of knowing that your new boyfriend is there for you and that he is different in your mind. Use that to keep you going. It’s hard now but please try to keep climbing up with the rope that your boyfriend continues to throw down to you. U can talk to me if you want.


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Therapy, potentially medication.