
My kid only sleeps 9 pm to 5 am sometimes even 4:30. and I’m losing my mind and I’ve tried EVERYTHING so don’t comment “have you tried...” because yes. Yes I have. She just won’t sleep.

I’ve literally just let her cry it out in the morning for a half hour because i tell her its too early it’s still bedtime and she can come get up when it’s bright outside. She just screams “I WANNA GET OUUUUUUUT” over and over again at the top of her lungs and cries. (Also she’s in a toddler bed so she CAN get out if she wants she’d just rather scream for me instead...) I tell her no it’s too early you can get up when it’s light out. Just screams even though she can literally get up and come out of her room if she wanted to that badly.