Fertile, PMS, or pregnant?


I just got my Paragard (copper iud) out at the beginning of this month. Me and my husband have been remodeling and moving all this month. It’s been 37 days since my last bleed, I’m highly sensitive to and get nauseous to selective smells, experience random mild nausea and lack of appetite, I’m crying randomly / am really weepy, I’m having headaches and dizziness, and all this for about a week. The only other time I’ve ever had sensitivity to smells, I think I miscarried with the iud (years ago)... Could all this be my fertility returning and estrogen levels stabilizing during the luteal phase, could it just be the great amount of stress making PMS worse and weirder, or do you think I should test? I don’t want to get all hyped up or anything over stressed PMS or my fertility returning, I’m just curious what you all think...?

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