Looking back, is it possible I had early miscarriage and didn’t know?

Paulette • 39 weeks Pregnant at 38 y/o after 5 miscarriages

Ok so back in March I became pregnant sadly the pregnancy only lasted for 8 weeks and I miscarried in May. We had been trying for about 3 months at that time. Going back further In January I was a few days late for AF so I took a pregnancy test. It came back with a very very faint line but I thought nothing of it because I hadn’t tested before and AF came a few days later. Looking back at the photo now, and having used these same kind of tests for when I got pregnant the first time vs the negative ones lately... all of the negatives have no line... same test but stark white under the T. Take a look at this test and let me know if you think I may have had an early MC and not known?