Silent miscarriage

Tayla🌼 • Two daughters 🌸🌸 13month Gap. 👶🏼 👶🏼 👼 healing from loss 😭 at 11 weeks pregnant. NOW -🌈 👶🏼 on board

I will never understand why me. Why after two health pregnancy’s. My third baby in my belly yesterday grew wings at 11 weeks pregnant. Things were going so well. I seen the baby on scan at 8 weeks 5 days. Things were great, I just can’t understand or comprehend where it went wrong. Why, how, why me. It’s confusing and so upsetting my heart is aching but I’m trying to be happy that I’m lucky enough to have two beautiful girls already. I just am so sad 😭 iv cried all night all day I have no tears left. My body hasn’t realised it’s not pregnant and I’m going for surgery on Tuesday to take of bubba.

How do I move forward ?

I want another yet I’m so so scared this will happen again. The heart stopped 1 day after my ultra sound it’s really sad. It’s a silent miscarriage and my body hasn’t realised this has happened. It’s really heart breaking as I thought things were fine! 😭😭💗👼