Possible Pregnancy and in need of some serious guidance!

In need of some help so that I don't keep stressing out!

I got my period some time last week but it wasn't proper bleeding more like just uterus lining. It lasted for 2 days where I wasn't completely bleeding, more just very small spotting. Now, my usually period lasts for 5 days, but I had to skip it last month due to a school trip. I've had unprotected sex a few times, however I have been on the pill. My boyfriend and I decided to have unprotected sex on the 3rd day after the spotting as I received no more spotting all of that day. I did take 1 pill tablet on the 2nd day night. I just need to know if there is a possibility of me being pregnant or if I should just stop using the pill and wait for my period to come naturally, if it were to come? Should I also just go and get a pregnancy test just in case? Thank youuu xxx