We pierced our babies ears 😳

Shanacy • Mama💜 est. 2-12-2019 🎀 Mrs 👰🏼‍♀️ est. 9-3-21

I’m not even gonna ask for “no judgment” because we are all entitled to our own opinions! 😋 So me and hubby have both been in agreement from very early on that we wanted to pierce her ears while she was still a baby- his family is of Latin decent and tend to do all their baby girls very young (like weeks old sometimes!) But I personally didn’t get mine done till I was much older but wish I would have had them done sooner but couldn’t work up the courage till the ripe age of 12! 😂 . I work in my pediatricians office so I’ve seen them administered and even helped with a few so felt confident in my decision to get them done for her young but wanted to wait until at least her first round of shots. Lately I’ve been noticing what a controversial topic this has become!! As I got closer to the date I started getting really nervous reading a lot of women’s posts either for or against it😰 but we stuck with our decision and guess what.... she did SO well! I can’t stop staring at this cute little face and crying over how big she is now 😭😍 anyone who is thinking of getting it done and is nervous or worried about backlash- just remember we are all new to this parenting game and will all have different opinions on what is best for our babies. Be easy on yourself and don’t fuss too much over what other people think or do 🤗