Natural cycle FET

Ewelina • 31 | IVF ICSI | Rainbow born June ‘20

Hi ladies! This is my first post here. I’m just going through my first (and only) <a href="">IVF</a> cycle (NHS funding, am I right? 🙄). Had my first transfer back in May, which, miraculously, was successful. Unfortunately, my happiness didn’t last long as I miscarried mid June. Just picked myself up and am ready to start again. Next transfer will probably be the end of August (it’s a bit up in the air as we’re doing a natural cycle). Are there any other natural cycle FET ladies here? I could use your insight. My last transfer was completely non-medicated. I just tracked my ovulation and had the embryo transferred 6 days after a clear blue smiley face. Was hoping my body would know what to do and how to grow a baby, but now that I’ve lost that pregnancy I’ve got all these worries that maybe it didn’t, maybe it needed some help and never got any. Is it normal to not have any progesterone supplementation after transfer in natural cycles? Or should I be supplementing some just in case, to maintain the pregnancy even if there’s enough of it to allow implantation? What pisses me off the most is that I never even had my levels tested at all, neither before or during pregnancy. So there was no way of knowing if they were high enough. I’m so worried for my next transfer, I think I’m gonna ask my clinic to supplement it even if it’s not protocol, it would give me some peace of mind at least. Sorry for the long post! Would be great to hear your thoughts and experiences 😊x