Hygiene Help

Hi, so my bf and I were having a discussion about sex and it just happens that he commented on my hygiene...I will say I am not the most perfect when it comes to that, I know I have days where I'm too lazy or too tired to shower. Sometimes I lose track and I don't take of myself as I should, I recognize this. He commented saying sometimes it's a bit much for him to handle down there and he could only handle so much. I understand where he is coming from and he even apologized because he saw how it drastically affected me. This has just made me insecure and I need advice on how to better myself. Even when I shower I feel I "smell" a few hours after. I can never feel 100% clean and idk what else to do. I've been to the gynocologist at the beginning of the year and everything came back normal.

I just want some advice guys, I feel like I just wasn't taught basic hygiene and I'm just learning a long the way.