Is a 16 month age gap too small?

Our baby girl is 4 months old and we want to start trying for another.

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That's really up to you. I wouldnt wanna do it.. 😂


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It’s honestly up to you. Go with your gut!!! With that said I personally have no interest to do that. 🤪🤪🤪 my LO is 10 months old and o still want to wait till he’s 16-18 months old to have the next. A few reasonings:I want him to be potty trained or at least on his way there when baby arrives.I want him to be sleeping in his own bed by the time next baby comes.I would like him to be off the boob by the time next baby comes and he’s no where near ready to wean right now.


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I had no interest in two under two. They also say you should have at least 9 months between pregnancies.That being said, if you’re comfortable doing so go for it!!


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I personally prefer a larger age gap for my own sanity but it’s really up to you lol. Some people love having a small age gap between their kids and do well with it. It also depends on how easy your current baby is. I wanted my oldest sleeping through the night and slightly more independent when I had my second. I’m pregnant with my second now and my oldest will be 3 in a couple weeks. Even with her being almost 3 this pregnancy is kicking my ass and it is exhausting already trying to keep up with a toddler while being pregnant!


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My brothers are roughly 18 months apart and they absolutely love it. They are best friends in everything they do- even when they’re fighting. It can be rough having them that close together, but it’s doable. My sisters and I are all close as well. I think it just depends on the parent


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This was my bestfriend. She loves it and wouldn't have it any other way. It's really up to you!


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I can't speak on this from a parents side cause I only have one kid. But I will my sister and I are 14 months apart and I seriously love it so much, we get along so well and are like best friends. A lot of people have "2 under 2", if you want to try for another baby go for it!


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Mine are 18 months apart and it’s tough lol. Some people handle that really well though. I’m not a chaos person so it was hard for me.


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It would be a 13 month age gap if you got pregnant right away


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We just found out I’m pregnant again 2 weeks ago, there will be a 17 month age gap with my son 😳