Overproduction and gimp boob


Interesting how different your breastfeeding journey is from one child to the next. My first I had a bad initial latch and mastitis on my left so my right boob became my money maker and I was lopsided that entire time. Fast forward to now it’s the opposite. My right is a dud and my left is my mass producer. My baby had a hard time with my right nipple from birth and I had bad mastitis in my right breast that wasn’t properly treated so there’s quite a difference in milk production now 😢😤 I do a pretty decent job feeding on both sides but I do have to put baby on my left extra to relieve and make up for the difference. I just wish there was a way to even them out a bit more so I’m not so engorged on my left and empty on my right. I honestly thought that it would be easier second time around but it definitely wasn’t and hasn’t been (I mean I did breastfeed and pump for a year and a half so I feel somewhat experienced right? HA!). We’re 3 months in and it’s been so tough! I’ve accepted the fact I’ll be lopsided for the next year but I’m open to tips on how to even out!