Question regarding new pregnancy UPDATED


So I had multiple MC's before I managed to have my son last year. I found out that I am pregnant today and am already freaking out about another loss. My last couple pregnancies I had extra viability scans and close watched bloodwork in the first tri. Do any of you know of the doctors will do that for this pregnancy or no because I have had a successful pregnancy? I really want the scans as I had a MMC before and it really messed with my head. I want these scans to know if something is wrong and for a little peace of mind. I'm going to call tomorrow but wanted to know about your ladies experiences. Hoping for a sticky bean!


The office is refusing to do viability scans for this pregnancy due to having a successful one last year. The earliest US they affered me was 9 weeks. Ive had a MC at 6 weeks, and a MMC that started at 7+6 and I didn't find out until 12+4. I had to agrue to even get a single blood panel and they are refusing confirm my HCG doubling! I'm even more nervous now than before. It scares the hell out of me that there is a possibility I might lose this baby and not know again until I'm 9 weeks.