Starting to worry

Jessica • Married 29/09/18 👰🏼 2 angel babies 👶👶 🌈due march 2020

So this is my 3rd pregnancy this year, im currently 8w4d. I have my first drs appointment tomorrow to get set up with the midwife etc.

I had a scan at 7weeks due to severe rightsided pain. Turns out i have a 4cm follicle thats causing the pain, i saw my blobby baby and their little heart beat so everything was fine.

I still cant shake the feeling its going to go wrong. I am terrified that every time i go to the toilet im gonna see blood and that when i go for my 12 week scan baby has stopped again. Its roughly 3 weeks until my next scan.

Will this anxiety always be here until baby arrives? I want to enjoy my pregnancy, but i just want the next 31 weeks to fly by so i can get my rainbow 🌈 baby 😔