Face breaking out



So I would always break out around my period, but during this pregnancy, my face has been perfectly clear(which I love!), but recently over the last week or so, it’s started breaking out something awful. My chest has too😳😩 I use alcohol on my face twice a day hoping that would help, but it hasn’t. Anybody have any remedies that will help?

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Posted at
Ugh. The acne is so annoying. During my period, I’ll usually get a chest zit or two. But now that I’m pregnant, my chest is covered in them and I HATE it.


Posted at
This has happened to me too! Clear skin the whole pregnancy and in the past couple of days now I have 4 pimples😖 I heard it’s a sign of the end bc your hormones increase again


Elizabeth • Aug 4, 2019
In a way that makes me happy, bc I’m ready to get this over with lol.. that does make sense though.


Posted at
Too much alcohol will actually dry out your skin and make you break out even more!! Mario beduscu has this oil that you can get at Sephora and ultra called “Rose hip oil” and it helps regenerate skin cells and leaves you feel refreshed! If you can afford a higher priced item, Kiehls has an AMAZING oil called “midnight recovery concentrate” a little goes a long way!! It clears you up over night and leaves you feeling smooth!


Elizabeth • Aug 4, 2019
I was only using it in the morning, and then over the past week or so I’ve started twice, just trying to clear it up.. but it hasn’t worked. I will definitely look into those products!! Thank you!


Posted at
Omg same just this last month has my entire body has broken out. Havent found anything to control it either🙄


Elizabeth • Aug 4, 2019
Yes!! It’s so annoying!