Gas / abdominal ache - non-threatening

Hi All,

So I just moved into a new bigger apartment (I figure it’s better to do now since I am not expecting currently) I have spent the last 3 days setting up the apartment, not feeling like I have completed much. One of the things that I haven’t set up is the bed yet. Not a big deal, I am a grown woman if I want to camp in my living room then so be it.

I grab the sleeping bag, my pillows, my blanket nothing too fancy after all I still really haven’t unpacked completely. I am going through everything and evaluating what I really need, want and can do without so I fill one room and work from there. As I am walking out of my bathroom, my dog is on my sleeping bag rolled in my favorite blanket with her head on my pillow.

My SO and I got into a fight over the layout of the apartment and how we are not setting up the house with our glass entertainment center, or end tables. He’s at his sisters for now while I work towards setting up the apartment. I know I am being childish by not compromising with him but I don’t want to do extra work setting up and having to tear down an apartment and reset up with new things since he will just upset that he can’t have the glass anyway. I pay the damn bills in this apartment (being that I make 5x what he does and make enough to care for the apartment entirely. He doesn’t make enough to qualify for the apartment on his own since your income has to be 3x the rent) so I am not leaving it to change that something can get broken, or otherwise damage the apartment. I would like to sit down with him and talk about why having glass end tables and such isn’t appropriate if we plan on conceiving and show him how difficult it is and exhausted I am after setting up the apartment with basic furnishings but I don’t want him to think that I don’t want him to have the possessions that he likes as well. I’m very open to hanging onto them so that they can be put back into the house if we do not conceive or when the child(ren) are old enough to walk without pulling up on everything, or don’t try and replicate what their favorite super hero does.

The changes being made for us feel like they are just for me right now since he is not here.