Feeling defeated *update*


So this while pregnancy I've struggled with high bp. Not too high but high enough for the doctor to put me on baby aspirin. My last appointment (Wednesday) my bp was really high 157/119 then 151/95 so my doctor started me on bp meds and sent me to the hospital to be monitored and test for preeclampsia. My bp went down and all tests came back normal so i was told to follow up with my doctor on friday. I went Friday and my bp was 144/92 then 142/106 so i was sent to the hospital again to be monitored and tested for preeclampsia. Again everything was fine i was told to follow up withmy doctor on Monday. I've checked my bp a fewtimes today and when I'm laying down its fine but when I'm sitting up it shoots back up so I'm sure I'll end up back at the hospital tomorrow. I'm just Feeling defeated and thinking my doctor will probably set up an induction soon since I'm almost 37 weeks.

Update: had my bp checked today it was still high but since i have an appointment Wednesday and all my labs have been good they didn't send me to the hospital and we will be scheduling an induction at my appointment Wednesday.