When to start natural induction techniques?

Brittney • Mama of 2 girls with baby number 3 on the way (hoping for a boy!!)

Hi there!

I’m currently 32.5weeks, so I have a little bit to go. I’m hoping for a vbac. But I’m wondering, when should I start trying natural induction techniques? Most things I’ve read say to wait until you’re overdue. Well, my doc said they won’t let me go past my due date and they won’t induce me. It’s either my body goes into labor on it’s own or we schedule a csection. I’ve started to have some Braxton hicks, which I didn’t have with my first. So I’m hoping that’s a good sign. But I want to kickstart things if possible. And I’m meaning stuff like driving to the mountains for altitude change, brisk walks, sex, or midwives brew.

Should I start the week I’m due or the week before?

Anyone have a successful vbac that tried any induction techniques???

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I started drinking red raspberry leaf tea around 34 weeks. I started with 1 cup a day. Now I drink 2 a day. But some people ramp it up for 3 or 4 cups a day. I started taking evening primrose oil 3000mg a day (1000mg 3 different times during the day) around 36 weeks. I started getting consistent acupuncture treatments around 37 weeks. I also had a membrane sweep done at 37+4. I’m currently 38+3. I have another appointment tomorrow and will probably have another sweep done then. With a VBAC, I’ve been told several times that the more we can do to prepare our cervix for labor, the BETTER! Of course talk to your doctor or midwife about what they recommend. But follow your mommy instincts. The natural induction methods won’t work to put you into labor unless baby is ready to come! But, they can certainly help get your cervix to start softening and sometimes even dilating.


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Since u had a previous c-section I say be careful with induction let nature take its way google about this and watch YouTube and then u can try what is best for u


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Why won’t they induce? You can certainly be induced with a VBAC.


Magz 💙💜💙 • Aug 29, 2019
I actually find this fascinating as an induction for a VBAC is 💯 something that is offered and encouraged in Australia. The risk of uterine rupture is still 1% or less depending on which method of induction used. there is always a Foley catheter & monitored ARM. I also find it curious that some Obs have a restriction of when you need to naturally go into labour by knowing that 39 weeks is full term. Again in Australia unless there was a reason to deliver early they wouldn’t discuss an induction or cesarean until after 40w.


Julie • Aug 29, 2019
This is normal policy for many ob groups, I’m in the same boat, I have to go into labor on my own before 39 weeks or I have to get another c-section. They will not induce for a vbac for liability reasons.


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My opinion just start walking rn and that's it. Once you hit 35 weeks you can take prime rose oil like once for the week, twice a week at 36 and at 37 I'd do one everyday and the twice a day every at 38 weeks+ you can do it orally or vaginally I'm 37 and I've been doing both (also trying for vbac), I go for at least a mile walk now. Once you hit 38 weeks I say try the midwives brew, sex, whatever you want. Although I wont suggest castor oil it's not good for baby & if your baby hasn't dropped yet I wouldn't suggest trying this stuff either because it might make it harder for a vbac. But either way we can do everything in the book but until baby is ready non of this will work. I wish you the best of luck with your vbac and that it is smooth and safe!!😁