Finally pregnant after 1 round of letrozole! 🥰


Hi ladies!

I would like to share my story with all of you. I’ve been married for about a little over 2 years. My husband and I decided to actively try to conceive at the 1 year mark. After 1.5 years of trying with no luck and all negatives month after month, I decided to finally seek medical help for answers. I have 30-34 day cycles and have monthly 7 day periods. However I was just not getting pregnant. The OB that I went to suggested for me to get an HSG test and everything came back normal with no blockages and no abnormal uterus. However, my blood test did came back indicating that my testosterone level was slightly higher than normal, which is where I was diagnosed with PCOS. I was devastated but relieved at the same time because I finally had answers. I took my results as a motivation to figure out what I needed to do next to conceive. I was then prescribed 2.5 mg of letrozole and took my first dose in July from CD 5-9. I actually ovulated later around CD 21, so my progesterone blood test came back super low because I had not ovulated yet when I got the CD 21 progesterone blood test. I was actually thinking I was out this cycle and may have to increase my dose next month to 5 mg. Surprising, there was no need to up my dose because I finally found out that we are expecting!

Ladies, do not lose hope! I’ve been there. There when everyone around me was pregnant; there when everyone was holding their babies and my arms were empty; there when I felt like the odd one out; there when hope was slipping through my grasps. I hope my story can give you ladies some hope and encouragements! ☺️

Here is what my first amazon cheapie test looked like at 9 DPO. It was barely there.

Now, today at 10 DPO!

Thank you all for taking your time to read my success story!