Boston IVF - The Arizona Center

Tomorrow is the day lady I finally gave in to get a second opinion I selected the Boston

<a href="">IVF</a>

- The Arizona Center I did my research and I read good reviews and some not so great I feel really nervous it has been almost 8 years trying to get pregnant I tried multiple opk, I tracked every single cycle, I taken every single vitamins you can think off and I would try anything and everything I would read that will help me get pregnant. I had a previous HSG that came back normal my so semen analysis came back great.

So why can't we get pregnant?

What kind of questions should I ask my doctor tomorrow?

What medication should I asked him to prescribe me ?

I have regular cycles I ovulate every month I am so tuned with my body I practically feel when my ovaries are rupturing literally I get a positive opk on cycle day 13 or 14 always

I am on cycle day 12 today meaning I could possibly get a positive opk tomorrow afternoon.

What should I asked to get tested for?

Please ladies help me

8/5 6:03 PM