Super Confused!


Bit of a back story - I’ll make it short. I missed two periods last year (June/July) and finally got my positive on 14th August (7 tests later). Had a little my little preemie on 25th January but we lost him 9 days later. We started trying again in May. I’ve had regular periods around 21st of each month since March this year lasting 4/5 days. But I’ve missed July’s. I’ve had headaches, spot breakout, nausea and one day of actually being sick, thick creamy CM every sign of what I had last time. But again 4 negative tests. So I thought maybe this CM was my ovulation, because I’m still yet to find out when I ovulate as since May I never had a positive one despite testing every single day. So I’ve just done one and it came out positive.

Has anyone else had this?

Literally losing my mind! Just waiting for that faint line and 🌈😭