Not feelin' it

Tanya • TTC 6 & a half years, baby no4 conceived 03/17 Baby no5 due 2020 😬🥰💜

So, people say every pregnancy is different but that hasn't been my experience. All 4 of my previous pregnancies were almost identical. Sore (VERY SORE) breasts before missed period, felt great until late 20 weeks then would get some pain and discomfort, uti, bad cold/flu. Craved meat and gone off sugar. All 4 were boy's. My youngest is 20 months old soon and I found out I was pregnant 3 weeks ago. I have no soreness in my breasts, dizziness (never had before) hungry every 2 hrs but can eat sugary or savoury. Aside from that absolutely do not feel pregnant. It can be hard not to worry but I also don't see the point being negative or stressing. Especially as I'm not having any negative symptoms. I guess I'm just wondering if there are other women who've had more than 2 pregnancies and experienced majority being the same and maybe a completely different one?