Am i Wrong or Is He Overreacting

Ali • Leo ♌️🔒 Husky Pups 🐕🐕

So my boyfriend and i been together 5 years come Thursday. We both have trust issues due to he thinks im friendly and what people have lied to him (they could fuck me, i hang out with other dudes, im too pretty to be with him) bout. Hes actually cheated with his "gay" female best friend a few months ago so our relationship has been rocky. Today we had an argument based on the fact my brother gave a random friend my number and this guy texts me nonstop without me replying. He texted me goodmorning yesterday and my bf saw he. He said something to me today bout it but i didnt see the issue when i dont reply nor answer this persons texts nor texts. He says not responding is just as bad as responding. My bf swears i got picks and im leaving opportunity for other guys but im not. I felt like if i replied my bf would have an issue due to me correcting his friends. Theyve lied to him bout the convo we had and made it seem like i was cheating when i wasnt when i told his friends hes still ny dude dont disrespect him. And this new person knows i have a man at home. So i thought after texting me 9 times back to back hed eventually get the hint that im not interested in anything. Im confused as to where im wrong and where im friendly cause im literally minding my business not giving my boyfriend nun to complain bout cause i dont have time for it.

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You stayed with a guy who cheated on you with his gay best friend?
You stayed with a guy who cheated on you with his gay best friend?


Ali • Aug 6, 2019


Ali • Aug 6, 2019
Based off multiple people saying that i have no reason not to. Either way he slept with her, idc bout the specifics


🦄 Anonymous 🦄 • Aug 6, 2019
Are they still friends?


Posted at
He is a straight up tool, you’ve done nothing wrong


Ali • Aug 6, 2019
Im literally doing nun. I go to work come home, same thing with school. I only talk to him but im the friendly person


by • Aug 6, 2019
Cheaters usually get insecure the most because they know how the cheating game works, if you’ve never given him reason to doubt you then it’s just him being an ass


Ali • Aug 6, 2019
Im not understanding the problem and he wont communicate it. Hes saying im leaving a door open. But its never opened and hes the one with a history of cheating


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If he feels you have a past of being flirty I could see how this guy messaging you could upset him. You letting him continue to message you could be perceived as you liking the attention...otherwise why would you just block the guy? You guys seem like a mess together. If there’s no trust you shouldn’t be together


Ali • Aug 6, 2019
Nah i understand a 100% but to me if this person knows i have a bf cause he knows my brother. Then i dont feel the need to entertain stupidity.... i guess i can see how it is shady. But to me ignoring him is the best way to deal with it. But i responded and blocked the person so that theres nomore issues


exm ♥️ • Aug 6, 2019
I didnt say you have a past of being flirty, I said if HE FEELS you have a pat of being flirty, that’s gonna affect his perception of you, regardless if you actually have a past or not. And if he didn’t catch on after three days what makes you think he’d get the hint on the 4th or 5th day? 😅 I get what you’re saying, but I’m trying to help you understand what it looks like from an outside perspective....aka your boyfriend’s perspective. I’m not accusing you of anything, I’m just letting you know how you’re making yourself look getting flirty messages from a guy and not setting boundaries or letting him know what’s up. Do you understand?


Ali • Aug 6, 2019
I dont have a past of anything, i mind my business but im always accused of cheating. I havent blocked this person cause i didnt feel the need to, hes had my number all of what? 3 days so i thought eventually hed catch on cause i didnt give you my number