Huggies, Hello Bello, Dove Baby


There's a lot of new products for little babies now compared to 4 years ago and it's a bit overwhelming trying to decide which brands to pick based on price and overall experience. When it comes to diapers I LOVED Huggies with my first born and my sister in law loves the new Hello Bello brand from Walmart. I've picked up a box of each because my hospital sends home a pack of Huggies anyway and I got a size 1 in the Hello Bello brand. It's a better deal quantity and price wise but what's everyone's experience with the Hello Bello diapers especially with new babies? Or with other Hello Bello products, I'm not super fond of Johnson's even though they're decent price wise but I dont feel they quite do their job well enough. I have the Hello Bello bath gift set just to try them out even though I really wanna try the Dove baby products out this time. I'm just curious as to the overall opinions of everyone on different brands