There will always be a line

Okay so when you take a pregnancy test and you’re not pregnant there will always be a line you can see in the test window.

Unless the line has the pink or blue color, it’s a negative. I have take pregnancy tests for years and they’ve always been negative but I was always able to see that clear line on the tests. You can see these lines better in certain brands. Ironically, you see it more in the more expensive brands. The line is there when you open the test before you pee on it.

That’s why evap lines happen because that little line/strip where the dye would go if it were positive is there and your pee dries on that line making it more visible.

I see this a lot when people share a photo of a test they think they see a line on. It’s not positive unless you see the dye in the line. Just wanted to share this info

If I am wrong, that means I’ve been pregnant for 6 years.