A little concerned 😣

Nya • Baby girl 💖💖 2/6/2020

I went to the hospital Sunday night for really bad stomach pain which was unbearable I was scared something was wrong . I wasn’t bleeding just hurting bad (this my first pregnancy) the doctors gave me an ultrasound but they wouldn’t let me see or hear my baby. They said the baby was fine but why not let me see and hear for myself so I can have a piece of mind now I’m extremely worried. Today at work I was in pain fir 8 hours it didn’t go away until I got off and took a nap. The pain was worser then Sunday I dint even know why I stayed my whole shift. I though it was going to ease up but it didn’t. I called my doctors after work and they told me to drink plenty of water cause I haven’t been doing that and if I’m hurting like that again to go the hospital I’m delivering at. I’m mostly upset cause that hospital I went to didn’t let me see my baby and I’m freaking out that something is wrong 😢😢