Want another opinion


Alright so my husband and i had sex and then i had my period which was like my normal period and everything. As soon as i came off my period i started peeing more and my low back kept hurting. I knew it was a uti because i have had them before. I did an at home azo test and it came back slightly positive and then i went to the doctor this past sunday. They tested my urine and said it came back crystal clear and asked if theres a chance i could be pregnant. I told him about my last period just ending and that im sure theres a chance though since there is any time you have sex. He did a pregnancy test and it came back negative and tested again for uti and said it came back slightly positive. So he gave me antibiotics and said he would send it for culture. I have taking them for 2 and half days and i still feel like i need to pee and my low back still hurts. Do you think its something else or just needs more time? Im going to continue taking them and im drinking water and cranberry juice.