
Ugh I know I should just be very grateful and happy that I have a daycare person who loves my baby so much but I get mommy jealousy soooo badly. She always texts me photos during the day which I love! Sometimes they say things like “I could snuggle with her all day!” Which again is so nice but at the same time I’m like !! Those are my freaking snuggles! Well today I got a pic and I wrote back something about how cute my baby is and she wrote “She’s just so sweet. I just love her so much” and again I’m being a crazy person here but I’m like NO I LOVE HER SO MUCH SHES MY BABY. Heeeeelp I keep my crazy to myself, only bitch sometimes to my husband and I recognize she is a great daycare provider and we are very lucky to have found her. But help me w advice so I don’t keep getting so jeally in my head 😫