Doctors not listening to patients!!


So I’ve received all my texting back and everything looks normal, which is good and also terrible like if everything was normal why did I loose my baby girl?? And in another sense it’s good because that makes me hopeful of another healthy pregnancy soon. My doctor did say my placenta was smaller then normal and I really feel that was the problem but he wouldn’t go into detail because I feel like it was something they missed. I had spotting for weeks during my pregnancy and had weekly ultrasound usually quick ones, everyone was always annoyed with me never spending time or giving me answers. Eventually this led to the 2 days I was in active labor that they were ignoring me and leaving me in a room alone and sent me to the hospital where I delivered my girl. I just feel like doctors just don’t listen to their patients and it’s so awful. I would love to go back there and tell them off. Hopefully my new doctors office is better and helps me pave the way for a healthy baby I get to bring home!