How to tell my husband

Alright ladies I took a pregnancy test and there was a vvfl so I've been testing every day to watch the line get darker. I still don't believe it. So here's the thing, my husband doesn't know! We are leaving for Niagara Falls this weekend, a trip he planned for my birthday, and in trying to come up with a way to tell him. I thought about just playing dumb and telling him my period is late so I brought a test because I thought it would be fun to take the test in Canada. (he wouldn't think twice, he would just think I was being weird 😆). Or should I come up with a cute surprise? I asked him when we first started trying if he would want to be surprised or be there when I test. He said either, but probably be there. So I feel bad for testing while he was at work, he works nights I work days so I was alone. What would you guys do? Surprise or play it off like I don't know either 🤷🤷🤷