Really don’t know.

My attitude honestly is bad but not like every minute. When he pisses me off I have a stank face and come off rude he says without me actually trying... every time he pisses me off , and I get an attitude he wants to have “ talks “ & say how he doesn’t want me around and how we should split but the thing is I never left him when he cheated on me SO MANY TIMES texting women , FaceTiming women... if something doesn’t go his way he says how he needs help and feel like he has nobody. He’s 30 , I’m 19. & I’m always helping out but something was beyond my control and I couldn’t and now he’s pissed off about that and now about me being aggravated because of him. Honestly I love him but this has been going on for way too long & im about to walk away. I’ve finally realized my happiness comes before so much. I know I’m a good person , & he’s making me out to be this terrible person in his head and to the people around him...

ONLY thing bad about me is my attitude... his gf before me cheated on him while he was and jail and had a whole kid on him and he stayed and helped her take care of the kid. IM LOYAL & I get this