Dysfunctional family

I'm due August 18th... I live away from family and friends so my mom has flown in and been with me for a week. Our relationship has always been up and down mainly because she's a negative person that tends to complain all the time. Everything is going fine until today. I have a older useless brother that is staying at her house while she's here causing issues. So today she fights with me and now I just wanna send her home. She's made me cry so many times since I got pregnant and I had to go through <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> to get here. I'm just so lost... if she doesn't meet my baby .. she never will since I won't go to my hometown for a long time. On top of that my annoying in laws who talk to my mom will come asap and is gunna know something has happened if she leaves before the baby comes ...

Sometimes I wish I didn't have a family their so dysfunctional it sucks