Need some advice mommies!!

I have been in n out of labor n delivery for preterm issues. I’m 32 weeks and 2cm dialated n baby already wants to come. Doctor has me on bedrest n pelvic rest until baby comes. I got the shots to mature baby’s lungs n to stop me from contacting. We had planned going camping as every other year for Labor Day weekend. Problem is doctor said not a good idea n didn’t give me the ok. See I am fine with it but hubby is bummed out n is determined to go. I told him it’s fine to go without me, but not to get mad if baby comes when he isn’t here. So now we are fighting because deep down I wouldn’t want him to go n miss his baby being born. (His first boy) but I know I shouldn’t worry about it because it will be him with the guilty mind if it were to happen. I just wish he came to his senses that it not a bad idea to be a supportive partner n stay next to me just in case. I don’t know how to talk to him about it and us not get in a disagreement. 😐💆🏻‍♀️💆🏻‍♀️