Need some advice.

I'm 10 weeks pregnant and my SO lives an hour away from me and has no job because he works with his dad. He won't move in with me and get a job down by me because he doesn't want to disappoint his parents after them telling him he couldn't move just yet it was too early. I get it's early but what I don't get is why they are supporting not helping to pay for the doctors appointments and baby along the way. I have expressed my self so many times he just won't get it. His parents are holding him back by controlling what he can and can't do. We're both 20 I feel like he can do what he wants to do. Is it too early? Am I over reacting? Should I give it time? I told him if he doesn't pay some bills soon then he won't have a baby at all. What he's doing to me in my opinion is just unfair. Expecting me to pay for it all.