Dream interpretation? Pregnancy dream


Hi lovely ladies! I know I'm posting TTC Christian's, I am a Christian and TTC baby #1 (rainbow baby) and I would like if any of you have any possible dream interpretations on a pregnancy dream, I'll paste the text I sent my husband. I had this dream last night:

So basically in the dream I'm 7dpo (days past ovulation - which is also pretty early to test) i'm out somewhere and I notice that I'm feeling a little unusual in my stomach, like it feels really tight and like I have knots in my stomach. I go home and I decide to take a pregnancy test, so I take the tiny ones first, and immediately there is a second line and it's a BFP (big fat positive) so as I'm watching it show up I can clearly see the line before the control line comes up, and it's such a strong line! I start freaking out (in excitement) and decide to take another... and another, and another - in the dream I end up taking all the proper pregnancy tests I have (like first response and clearblue) and they all come up positive and say 'pregnant' - so I end up going out and buying more pregnancy tests because I cant believe what I'm seeing at 7dpo, I get some cheap digital ones and some more clearblue digital, I buy the boots brand, Tesco brand etc and use those too and bam more positives and I start screaming with excitement, and the last thing I remember is thinking 'good thing [husbands name] is at work, I can finally set up that surprise announcement I've been wanting to do' and then I woke up 😍

Boots brand and Tesco brand mentioned are a uk based company since I live in UK :)

Also prayers would be appreciated as we are on month 3 of TTC :) xxx blessings and thank you for reading xxxx