Unpopular opinion: I hate being pregnant

Just to be clear, this was a planned pregnancy and I’m not trying to be ungrateful. I just feel that some Women were built for pregnancy and others weren’t. I’m not depressed or anything, don’t get me wrong. I can’t wait for my little boy to get here in November. But I’m miserable, all the time. I’m uncomfortable, I hate not being able to so certain things or eat certain things. And I’m sweaty, ALL THE TIME. It doesn’t help that it’s summer and I live in South Texas...

Also, I hate being center of attention. Everyone is always staring at me and asking questions about me or the baby. I’m not exactly introverted but I definitely don’t appreciate all the extra attention.

In high school my mom drilled it into to us that teen pregnancy would be the worst thing ever. I can’t blame her, I have three sisters so I’m sure it stressed her out to think about it. But even now, I’m 30, been married for 9 years and I still feel like I have a scarlet A on my shirt. Like, everyone knows what I did. I’m not ashamed of being pregnant but once my bump popped out, it was all eyes on me while at work and it’s uncomfortable.

Does anyone else feel the same? Whenever I mention it to people they tell me I’m being ungrateful and to think of all the women who can’t get pregnant and how lucky I am. But why ask how I’m feeling if they don’t want an honest answer? Am I not allowed to have an option?