Ned help letting someone go

I am still so In love with my ex, we were broken up for a few months but still talked occasionally (nothing messy happened we both just moved too quick and he didn’t think he was ready) and anyways about a month an a half ago he started messaging me everyday again and was trying to get back so hard, he invited me over a few times and I ended up goung over once because I can’t NOT I love him so much and I was still healing over it so onviously I fell back, and he said he wanted to see me again but the past few days he hasntbeen answering like at all, I texted him last night to see if I did anything and I said I felt like everybody was annoyed with me and he said “not a chance, why do you think that” and then again today I see he didnt answer but I can see that he has been answering other people and has been on Snapchat, ijust need help in wording what ineed to say, I need to tell him that I care so much about him but icant keep wondering if I’m worth it to him, can someone help me with what I can text him just to say like “do you want me to stay or leave” cause I’m completely lost and I can’t keep spending my days thinking I’m worthless