Jodie • 3yo and pregnant with baby#2💞


I had bloods taken last week (Wednesday) to confirm whether or not I’d ovulated. I was awaiting the results but because my OPK didn’t show up a positive until AFTER the bloods, I KNEW it would come back as an anovulatory cycle (I didn’t ovulate). I requested bloods to be done again due to this possible delayed ovulation and the receptionist gave me the only slot they had which was yesterday, a week after OPK predicted ovulation.

I went in yesterday, approached by a nurse who CLEARLY had no background knowledge of ovulation, periods etc as when she asked when my next period is due I said I was unsure as I think I ovulated late. She said “well you obviously came at the wrong time because it’s saying here if you came 7 days prior to your period then you haven’t ovulated but if you’re not sure when your period is due as it should be here today day 7, if you really did come on day 21”. FIRST OF ALL SANDRA I DID COME ON DAY 21, MANY WOMEN WILL GET A PERIOD 10-16 AFTER OVULATION SO EVEN THOUGH MOST WOMEN’S PERIODS ARE DUE ON DAY 28, MINES AINT HERE. NOT EVERYONE IS A 28 CYCLE NORMAL SALLY AND NOT EVERYONE IS A STATISTIC.

So after not understanding why my period could possibly be late due to delayed ovulation (or even better, pregnancy) she made me feel like major ass.

So I phoned my docs today after the upset has boiled over a days course. I got my results... IT CAME BACK THAT I DID OVULATE! A weeks difference and what do you know. LIKE I SAID. LIKE I KNEW. LIKE I FELT. It happened.

As you can tell I’m angry but relieved that potentially I could of been put on medication that I didn’t need. We also DTD when needed so here’s hoping as AF doesn’t arrive. (Lets just forget about the potential difficulties involved in late ovulation and pray that there’s a baby coming our way that sticks.