Honest thoughts?


I needed to vent. I need some advice. I was ttc with my current spouse. When i got our BFP he went out and drank “celebrating.” We both made a promise there was going to be no alcoholic parents or people in our babys life. I was sober for almost a year and him a couple of months. So i wasn’t far along and he disappeared and told me not to stress or else i would have miscarriage and he would leave me for killing our baby. I cried for 2 days straight and then ended up losing our baby. I packed his stuff and then he finally came back home and begged for me back. My family gave him “the talk” about being a parent and drinking. I let him back into my life because i felt so lost for losing my baby and not only was it mine but his too. So fast forward a few days yesterday he headed upstate for a few days to visit his family because his grandmas “supposedly” on her death bed. Im not sure about that could be true but he once told me all his family drinks up there. I let him go because i needed a break and to straighten out my mind. I needed to think about our current relationship status and if i wanted him in my life or not. So i work shift work and last night i had a grave yard shift and i called home before going to work because i missed him and needed to hear his voice. Surprisingly he was “buzzing.” I called him out on it but he denied it saying he had “3 hrs of sleep.” Which i know is not how he sounds like when he was tired and he was just drinking. Keep in mind he’s the best when he’s sober and i know for a fact he don’t cheat. Its just his drinking... im currently packing his stuff but i didnt tell him about it. Im so in love with this man but all alcohol does is take a person down. Im not going to let him drag me down. I really do think i found the love of my life but i dont want him if it involves accepting the alcoholic too. Do you think he will ever change? Or should i find someone else?