Talking to your child about same sex

My first borns father and I aren’t together. His grandfather on his dads side (His dads dad) is gay. He’s always been with his partner since before our son was born and they’ve lived together for the last three years. He never questions why his grandpop and “bob” live together. He just sees it as normal, which it is!

My son is 6 and he’s always saying something when he sees 2 dudes together. Kiss, hug, holding hands, etc. I always tell him that some people like the same sex and that it’s okay not gross as he puts it.

Now my question. I’ve been asking my sons father to have a talk with him about it and to explain that grand-pop and let’s say Bob are partners. He refuses to have a talk with him and says that’s my problem to deal with.

I feel like he should have this talk with our son since it’s his father. I don’t want to go stepping on his dad toes by having this conversation with him since they are a close family and I personally feel his dad would want his son to have this talk with him.

Who should have the talk?!

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