

So I starting having pink blood after sex which I was told was normal. Then started having brown blood and red blood only when I wipe. Yesterday used the restroom and had brown blood with a little bit of red clotting blood. So I went to the er mind you I like in key west fl where this is the only er in town! They gave me an ultrasound and seen the baby but no heart beat according to my period June 11 which would make me 8 weeks. Mind you I got back home with my hubs while ovulating which was June 23. But they go off your last period. So I went to my ob he did an ultrasound no heartbeat but is measuring me at 6 weeks which would be about right according to when I had sex but not my period. So I go back in a week praying bleeding is normal and can happen and my baby has grown since I was there today or I go back and baby hasn’t grown and still no heart beat meaning my baby died at 6 weeks and is still inside me. Ladies who have every had the dr give them a different date and had a perfectly fine baby please tell me! Women who have had a miscarriage. Did you bleed a lot did you have big clots or am I just way over thinking this and scaring myself! Either way please pray for me. My whole life all I ever wanted was a baby and I’m was so excited I’m finally having one and I’m scared this is gonna break me if I loose this baby.