Help a new mama out

So i need to vent and idk where else to do it, so here it goes. Im 25 with a 3 month old baby girl and loving husband. I have a very demanding medical job where I'm constantly on the go and cant seem to catch a break. I've been back at work for a month, and tbh I'm having a hard time adjusting. I really do love my job, and it was getn a little boring on maternity leave, even tho i love my daughter to death. It breaks my heart to leave her at daycare for 10 hours a day, but at the same time i think its good for her to b around other kids and learn new things, etc. Im constantly having to work overtime and it kills me that i miss being with her. But at the same time when shes fussy at night, im just so exhausted and I want a break, but then I feel bad since I haven't seen her all day. I guess what im asking is does it get easier ? Easier to leave her at daycare? Will i adjust to avg 5-6 hrs of sleep a night and running on mostly iced coffee? Or in the end will i end up resenting it all.